Award Winners
The 2010 Marblehead Festival of Arts opened with an Awards Presentation.
Photos by Charlie Lipson
Crafts Exhibit
Crafts Exhibit award winners.
Kiki Taron Kinney, Anna Rakityanskaya, John Harkness, and John Volpacchio
Crafts Exhibit award winner.
Anthony Ferrigno
Drawing Exhibit
Drawing exhibit award winner.
Roxcy Platte, Roberta WIll, Joan Colt Hooper, Elaine Caliri Daly,
Jonathan Sherman, and Racket Shreve
Mixed Media Exhibit
Mixed Media Exhibit award winners.
Sheila Farron Billings, Nora Falk, Lynda Goldberg,
Brian Thomas, and Carol Jones McDonnell
Painting Exhibit
Painting Exhibit award winners.
Kate Hunter Kashem, Jonathan Sherman, Alexis Baliotis, Caroline May,
Pat Dunbar, Roxcy Platte, Elaine Caliri Daly, Nordia Kay, K. Jean Fisher.
Rear: Patricia Dextradeur, Charles Land, and Pete Meehan
Photography Exhibit
Photography Exhibit award winners.
Abby Nicolas, Eyal Oren, Kiki Taron Kinney, Pamela Joye, Erica Pelaccia,
Steve Bevaqua, John Fletcher, Rick Cloran, Ken Bures, Rob Kipp,
Katie Hutchinson, and Kim Indresano
Sculpture Exhibit
Sculpture Exhibit award winners.
Dan Browne and Jack Walsh
Senior Art Exhibit
Senior Art Exhibit award winners.
Peggy Farrell (Co-chairperson), Karen Hosking; Yale Cohen, Em Marquis Brown,
Holly Aloha Jaynes, Jerilyn Morgan, Ruth Rooks, and Judy Stover
Student Art Exhibit
Student Art Exhibit award winners.
Sam Sherman, Megan Reiley, Bronte Price, Lauren Nohelty,
Rachel Shepard, and Amand German
Writers' World
Writers' World award winners.
Paula Perlin, Matt Jepsky, Emily Ricker, Melanie Potter, Pat Sylvia,
Lenora Salvucci, Margo W.R. Steiner, and Claire Keys